Michael White

Michael White began flute studies with Byron Hester, principal flutist with the Houston Symphony Orchestra (1952-1992), during the summer prior to his senior year in high school. He continued with Mr. Hester at the University of Houston, where he received a Bachelor of Music degree in flute performance in 1970. Michael started playing professionally during his sophomore year at the University of Houston and by his senior year was well established as a prominent free-lance player in Houston. After graduation, he spent a year in Europe, where he studied privately with Gareth Morris, principal flutist with the New Philharmonia Orchestra in London. Michael then returned to the University of Houston to earn the Master of Music degree in 1973.

He has played with every major arts organization in Houston, including the Houston Symphony Orchestra, the Houston Ballet Orchestra, the Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, Texas Opera Theater (touring branch of Houston Grand Opera), the Texas Chamber Orchestra, Theatre Under the Stars, and the Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Houston. Michael was principal flutist with the Houston Ballet Orchestra and the Houston Grand Opera Orchestra for 23 years and was fortunate to have performed in the world premieres of Carlisle Floyd’s Of Mice and Men, Gunther Schuller’s operatic reconstruction of Scott Joplin’s Treemonisha, and Houston Grand Opera’s revival of Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess in its original and unabridged form, with members of the Gershwin and Heyward families in attendance. Michael maintains his professional ties to Theatre Under the Stars and the Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Houston and returns to Houston to perform with these groups.

In Columbia, Michael enjoys playing with the Columbia Civic Orchestra under the leadership of Stefan Freund.  He is also principal flutist with the Ninth Street Philharmonic Orchestra and was a founding member of that organization.  Michael has been a private pilot since 1984, and flying is his primary recreational avocation.